Design Consultation . Santa Monica, California
$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] = /code.php
sectionname() = Code
pagename() = code

Colin has been programming computers since before he could drive (legally). You can download his resume for computer work.

When he does this work he sometimes partners with Dean Cameron who is a whiz at the CSS style sheet fiddling.

These are the significant projects over the last couple decades which Colin has been involved in as a system architect. All of them are projects he started on his own, and in the past decade he would bring Dean in to help with the details of how it looked to the outside world.

Year Projects Technology
2011 Rails3 revision of Bruce Kapson Gallery
Rachel Carlof
Ruby on Rails, Heroku, git, GitHub, AJAX, Wordpress
2010 Shuttered
Kate Fuglei
Maintenance of Patton & Co.
Ruby on Rails, AJAX, Wordpress
2009 Bruce Kapson Gallery
Revision of Patton & Co.
Bookstore People
Ruby on Rails, web scraping, AJAX, Wordpress
2008 Purple Form
Patton & Co. development starts
Ruby on Rails, data import, light AJAX
2005 Outside The Lines Studio Site PHP, MySQL, CSS
  also: A firm in Mountain View, CA purchases all of the intellectual property of tightcircle, primarily to secure the rights to the patent. Although they commit to keeping the site running, months later it is offline.  
2004 A software, technology and business model patent is awarded to Colin Summers for the tightcircle technology.  
June 1999 development starts tcl, Oracle SQL, Linux, HTML
1997 The Jungle, the rewrite HyperTalk, AppleScript, Emailer
1987 The Jungle Turbo Pascal, MS-DOS, compiled batch scripts and modem scripts
1982 Invoicing Program MicroSoft BASIC (500 lines, floppy drive, monochrome green screen)